
The final Quest prompt, from visionary Srinivas Rao, asks:

What will you do in 2016 to assure you and your best work are unmistakable?


  • self-censoring,
  • apologizing for, and
  • qualifying myself and what I do.


  • expressing,
  • owning, and
  • embracing what I have to offer.

In summary,

be more me.


That is all.


7 thoughts on “Unmistakable

  1. Brenna, I found you and this creative space by way of my friends, Vanessa and Miss Polly. And truly, if I never read another blog post in my life, this one would be enough. You have put into words, powerfully yet succinctly, the direction I would like take with my life. Many thanks. Only one question, any idea how to deal with those in my circle who might not like this notion of me as the one who is more me? Might be time to let go of some the friends I have who are not, in fact, friends. Will sign up to follow your blog and look forward to more of your writerly art.

  2. Hi, dmh! So pleased to meet a friend of Vanessa and Miss Polly! Thank you so much for reading, and for your thoughtful response. My gut response is that those who don’t like the fully authentic you don’t sound like friends. But human relationships are tricksy, and I wonder if some may react negatively at first when they see you doing what they long to do, too–if there is an envy period that can maybe blossom into something better. In any case, I think you deserve to be surrounded by good people who buoy you and who let you do the same for them. I suspect that the people who are not okay with you being more yourself are people who somewhere deep down suspect that they themselves are not all they could be.

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